Team 2

Team two is a funny team which never is sad or in a bad mood. We laugh whenever we are together. Our big brother, Jerry, led us in a fantastic, interesting, surprising, and crazy way, which opened our mouths to laugh loudly. Being in this kind of crazy team was an amazing grace.

Beside the fun things we had, we were also a team that thought a lot. Not only can we be in a light-hearted mood, but also we can discuss issues seriously and deeply. I learned a great amount of lessons from all the members in my team and found that every person could be my teacher. Most important of all, our relationships became better and better day by day. I could feel that there was a strong brotherhood among us, which led us to cherish each other and think of everyone as a treasure from God.

Jerry is a good leader on our team. I hope that I can learn more from him about leadership so that I can apply it to youth group in Taiwan.

Adam Liao
Team 2


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