
Anna Petersheim (Oak Brook, IL)10917271_428205087335869_1913668998703231448_n

VOICE Involvement: 2005 (TESOL); 2007 (V2); 2013 (Team Leader); 2014 (Northwoods Staff)

It’s funny how at 18 you can think you have life all figured out, then you spend the next few years realizing that you actually don’t know anything. It’s very freeing, however, to find that you don’t have to be in charge of your own life, that there is a very wise and good Someone who wants to lead you in a way so different and much better than you could ever know. After highschool and a bit of international traveling, I attended Verity Institute and received a degree in Social Science. After that, the next 3 years were spent in a different kind of school. A school that God had lovingly prepared to teach me to depend on Him. I still traveled and held various jobs, but my career choice might best be described as a pilgrim, “forgetting those things which are behind, and reaching forth unto those things which are before, I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus.” (Phil. 3:13-14)

Currently, I’m a housewife who enjoys spending time with my husband, writing, blogging, cooking, and walking with Jesus.

Favorite VOICE Memory: It seems almost wrong to pick a favorite VOICE memory. I have so many to choose from, but what comes to mind happened this past year -VOICE 2013. It wasn’t just one moment, but a conglomeration of memories of Staff prayer times. I loved working with the students, but I think the real “work” took place in the office with all the Staff on their knees, crying out for God to work. It was from those nights I found God’s grace and leading in the everyday highs and lows. I’m so grateful to work with a Staff that prays.

In second place is the memory at grad night of all the VOICE 2013 students singing and presenting their “Thank You” gift. It was amazing to see how God had worked in each of their lives. I was overwhelmed with gratitude to God for the amazing fulfillment of all for which we had prayed.


Brianne Hogan (Defiance, Ohio) 

VOICE Involvement: 2010 (TESOL); 2011 (V2); 2012-present (Team Leader)

In the summer of 2010, I attended VOICE for the first time as a TESOL student and that fall, taught English in Nantou, Taiwan. After that year, I returned to the States to start school and see what God had next. However, I never quite got Taiwan out of my head or heart. So, in the fall of 2013, I found myself back in Taiwan teaching English for yet another year! Needless to say, both years were adventures of the very best kind. Currently, I’m living in Ohio and working towards finishing school while working part-time as a compassionate entrepreneur for a company that empowers women out of poverty. My long-term goal is to work in the church and lead people to a deeper love of Christ through worship music. Some of the things that get me most excited include traveling, musicals, playing the piano, bracelets, reading good books, playing games (and winning), drinking hot tea, and pretty much any kind of adventure.

Favorite VOICE Memory: Oh man! There are way too many! But I think the huge THANK YOU production that VOICE 2012 gave the staff at graduation was probably the best thing ever.


Camara Kulp (Kinmen, Taiwan)

VOICE Involvement: 2013 (V2); 2014 (Staff)

I have lived in Kinmen, Taiwan for four years as an English teacher. I’m currently working to get my teaching license and hope to graduate this coming year.

Favorite VOICE Memory: My favorite VOICE memories have all taken place at the Northwoods and are innumerable.


Camellia Chan (Richardson, Texas)Camilla Chan

VOICE Involvement: 2011 (TESOL); 2012 (V2); 2013 (Team Leader)

Growing up in Texas, I prided myself on knowledge of my future. In 2011 however, after God threw me a flurry of curve-balls, I abandoned my college plans and headed off for one year of teaching English in Taiwan. One year turned into two, and then two led me back to Texas with a new purpose for schooling.
I am now in my last few semesters as a Literary Studies and Teaching Development major at the University of Texas at Dallas. Although I am willing to let God direct me where He chooses, I itch to graduate and return to Taiwan where the weather is sweltering, the English bookstores few, but a school of overly-excited and immeasurably precious students awaits.

Favorite VOICE Memory: My favorite VOICE memory would be the sum of all of 2014’s Team Six’s Team Prayers. Never exactly the same, these hours bonded our team with sharing, laughter, pranks, exercise, prayer, and a 1.9 LB bag of Sour Patch Kids.


Ethan Feig (Taichung, Taiwan)  

VOICE Involvement: Officially: 2013 (V2); 2014 (Team Leader) Unofficially: I’ve been at the Northwoods with VOICE every year since I was 15 (2006)

I’m the fifth-born in a family with seven children. My relationships with my family and friends have always been very important to me. I greatly enjoy getting to know people on a deep level and being allowed to see their uniqueness and their passions. My relationship with Jesus Christ is of ultimate importance to me. I grew up in a Christian home and was taught the Bible since before birth, but it wasn’t until around the age of 15 that all of that knowledge about God began to turn into a knowledge and fear of God and I saw the need for repentance and had a desire to follow Christ. After graduating from high-school I spent two years teaching English in Nantou, Taiwan, during which time I developed an interesting in Mandarin and a love for Taiwan and its people. I went back to America to finish school, eventually receiving my MBA in 2013. After finishing school I went back to Taiwan to study Mandarin in Taichung, where I am currently. I have enjoyed each step of life that God has lead me into and I look forward to seeing where He takes me next.

Favorite VOICE Memory: Everyone says it’s impossible to choose a single favorite VOICE memory, so I almost don’t want to admit having one. However, watching a student wrestle with her own beliefs, fervently seek the truth, then ultimately make the decision to follow Jesus during my V2 year is a memory that will remain with me for a long time. Runner-up memories include the crazy hectic musical in 2013, playing in a water fountain with team 2 in 2014, and a long night-time discussion with my V2 class on Wolf Lake in 2013. Good times, indeed.



Karen Kallberg (Saint Louis, Missouri)

VOICE Involvement: 1999 – present (Conference Coordinator, V2 Instructor)

I grew up in Rochester, New York, where I developed my love for the NY Yankees. After high school, I moved across the world with my family to Taiwan. There I not only learned a lot about my Chinese heritage, but also about what it means to know God and serve Him. While in Taiwan, I worked at the Pei Ji Educational Foundation and helped develop the VOICE conference. That’s how I met my husband Luke. We served in several seminars and conferences together before falling in love (that’s a whole other story), getting married, and moving to Oklahoma, where we became OKC Thunder fans. Now in addition to planning and hosting the VOICE conference (I haven’t missed a single conference!), I spend my time caring for our children Arianna and Isaac, cooking and baking for Luke, working (very) part-time for Novo Ministries, and exploring our new hometown: St Louis!

Favorite VOICE Memory: Wow– who came up with this question? 🙂 I’ve been part of too many conferences to pick one memory. Maybe the VOICE 2005 graduation, when I started crying while the students were singing Psalm 103. Perhaps it was when I shared my testimony at VOICE 2014. Ultimately, it’s the realization every year that I get to be part of watching God change lives. That’s why I keep coming back.


Lauren Bollinger (Oregon, Ohio)


VOICE Involvement: 2007 (TESOL); 2012 (V2); 2013 (Team Leader)

I began serving the Lord alongside my parents by ministering to Asians in the U.S. when I was 11 years old. In 2007, I attended TESOL (yes, Audra, we loved it and you rocked!) There, God unexpectedly changed my plans and miraculously opened the doors for me to begin serving Him in Taiwan just one month later. The two years I spent in Nantou were life-changing, challenging, satisfying, and filled with His love and joy. Since then I have returned to Taiwan for one semester of language study, been the Chinese Student Program Director at a U.S. high school, and a project manager for a Sino-US company in the states. Last fall, the Lord answered my prayer to return to Taiwan to serve Him long-term, and so I moved to Taichung in January 2014. I now serve as a missionary with Word of Life Fellowship by teaching at an English-immersion ministry training center called SYME. I’m grateful for the blessings of foreign languages, music, travel, fellowship with brothers and sisters from all across the globe, SYME and VOICE!

Favorite VOICE Memory: My favorite individual memory is a late night star-gazing, lightening-watching, and soul-stirring talk with Cami Kulp about Christ and all that He is. – My favorite team memory was our “night to remember” (’13) which involved sprawling out in the OKC lobby for team prayer and suffering severe fits of laughter. – My favorite group memory was the farewell surprise the students prepared for us; watching them pour out their hearts and tears in gratitude for all that the Lord had taught them and the love they had experienced that summer.


profile_LPaulssonLoren Paulsson (Coulee City, Washington)

VOICE Involvement: 2009-2011 (V2 instructor, Ultimate Frisbee instructor); 2013 (Team Leader)

I love to explore stories…and wonder…and the culture people create while doing things. I grew up in Washington state, studied journalism and religion in college, and now work as a manufacturing process technician. I’m a little too earnest sometimes. So it’s a good thing my wife, Tina, has a great sense of humor. Tina and I met at VOICE 2013 and live in East Wenatchee, Wash. We enjoy walking, reading, an occasional museum, and cultural events (especially musical theater). Someday, we want to visit Taiwan, Hong Kong, and China to see all the friends we’re honored to know.

Favorite VOICE Memory: The first thing that comes to mind is sacking Jerry Simpson for a safety during a VOICE football game.


Luke Kallberg (Oklahoma City, Oklahoma)

2014.10.KallbergFamily-85VOICE Involvement: 2005-present (Team Leader,

My family took me many different places to live while growing up, and gave me a love for musical performace. Especially singing. I was always impressed with my parents’ ability to see the ways that God was working in the little, mundane events of life. I want to have that kind of perspective on life – where it’s something God is doing, not just something that is happening. And I want to help other people have that perspective. While working for IBLP in Chicago (a very fun city), I met my future wife Karen, who introduced me to VOICE! We started our married life in Oklahoma City, where we have learned so many new things about life – increased responsibility, forgiving each other, loving our daughter Arianna. All these things give me new ideas about what God is like. I work at Kimray, Inc., and am studying in the Master of Philosophy Program at the University of Oklahoma.Staff Director, Board Member)

Favorite VOICE Memory: Certain conversations with VOICE students have stuck in my mind over the years, sometimes very short conversations. One student struggled with self-acceptance after feeling like he couldn’t please his father and older brother. He was beginning to dabble in some very damaging things just to show his independence, and throughout the whole conference that streak of rebellion made him very difficult to deal with. Near the end of VOICE, we had a movie night, and he and I sat near each other. We had a short, whispered conversation that I don’t remember much of. But I remember feeling so driven to tell him, “Don’t worry about what people think of you – worry about what God thinks of you!”


Timothy Chen (Taipei, Taiwan)

VOICE Involvement: 1999-Present (Interpreter, Student, Team Leader, V2 Student, Performance Coordinator, Board Member… in that order, believe it or not.)

Though I’m still fairly young, because I am the youngest out of four siblings in the Chen family, I have lived and breathed everything that has to do with the Pei-Ji Educational Foundation, and I have also been a part of every single incarnation of VOICE. In fact, you can say that VOICE and I grew up alongside each other. When I was still a child (and before VOICE was ever born), I often enjoyed doing things by myself– playing piano, reading, solving puzzles– and my faith in God was also something I thought I could handle by myself, too. Each year that I’ve been involved with VOICE, I’ve been learning more and more about the importance of learning and growing WITH other brothers and sisters in Christ, and realizing the finiteness of my own understanding. Looking at VOICE, I think that it has also grown and matured: in the beginning, we might have been more focused on all the things that God wants us to do; now, we are trying to focus on learning about God’s reality together, and letting that knowledge transform how we all live.

Favorite VOICE Memory: As the composer and author of the VOICE musicals, the Performance portion of the day (once known as Electives) of course holds a special place in my heart. It is always a frightening and exhilarating experience trying to frantically get the musical rehearsed on time, and it’s amazing to see how God has put each musical together. One moment in particular that was particularly special was the day of the final dress rehearsal in 2010. My grandfather had passed away that day, and as the choir sang a song that was inspired by him, the combination of joy and sorrow and love that I felt in that moment overwhelmed me and I burst into tears as I conducted.


Timothy Feig (Marshfield, WI)

VOICE Involvement: 2007, 2010, 2013 (Northwoods Staff); 2012 (V2); 2014 (Team Leader)

I grew up in Wisconsin in a big family. We played sports together, played music together, went to church together, and did school at home together. My greatest passion ended up being learning. Growing up I loved to learn. Even now I read quite a bit of material about Jesus, technology, medicine, politics, economics, business, language, literature, history, phycology, education, and pretty much any other science you could think of.
I learned early on that the most important thing in life is Jesus. So I studied about God, read the Bible, listened to sermons, and discussed Jesus and the Bible with friends and family. In 2007 I spent about a month in Taiwan visiting my brothers and several different schools in Nantou. The trip was amazing. I loved the food, mountains, new sights, and the people. But the best part of the trip was getting a passion in my heart to not only hear God’s words, but acting on them. He taught me to turn the words of God into action in my life. I started to learn what it means to actually love God and other people instead of just liking them. From that point until now the journey has been very long and exciting, and Voice and Taiwan hold some of my favorite memories.
I currently work providing computer support for several hospitals in Wisconsin and help run a home for low income individuals and the homeless.

Favorite VOICE Memory: It seems impossible to pick a favorite Voice memory. Some of my favorites include singing praise songs around the campfire, listening to speeches in Northwoods, watching the stars, taking walks with students or fellow staff, and exploring the world of imagination with Isaac.


Wes Dudley (East Earl, Pennsylvania)

VOICE Involvement: 2006-present (Transportation Coordinator, V2 Instructor, Staff Director, Board Member)

I was born and raised in Michigan and my parents challenged me at a young age to participate in various ministries. It was through the prodding of my father that I joined a missions trip to Southeast Asia in 2001, and from there saw God develop a passion in my heart for Asian ministry. Not long after that, I had the chance to join a team to teach English in Taiwan for about four weeks, and it was through that encounter that I fell in love with Taiwan. Although I spent many awesome years living in Taiwan (including falling in love with a girl that soon became my wife), God has my family and me living back in the States, sowing into His Kingdom through other avenues. Currently, my wife – Juliana – and I stay busy directing the children’s ministry at our church, managing my painting business and her sewing business, investing in our little girl, Savannah’s, life, and having food fights every night after dinner (just checking to see if you’re still reading…).

Favorite VOICE Memory: I can’t really single it down to one memory, but what I love the most is seeing God move in dynamic and surprising ways each year. Specifically, I will never forget a few separate times of communion that we had together where we really saw the Holy Spirit do some powerful things within our entire group. Oh yeah, and getting V2 student, Celia Anderson, to kiss a frog in 2008.



Audra King (Oklahoma City, Oklahoma)

VOICE Involvement: 2005 (TESOL); 2006-present (TESOL Instructor)

In 2002, I got to travel to China and Taiwan and fulfill a dream God had put in my heart to teach English to speakers of other languages. I loved it so much that I came back and spent the next three years teaching and working with Pei Ji in Taiwan and China! I graduated in 2007 with my Masters degree in Counseling and got my license as a school counselor so I could be better prepared to invest in my students and anyone else that God brought into my life. Since 2005, I have been living in my hometown of Oklahoma City and teaching and working with international students at a private school. I enjoy running, reading, fashion, and most of all, spending time with my wonderful husband Travis and our daughter, Ava!

Favorite VOICE Memory: Without a doubt, my favorite VOICE memory was the close-knit TESOL class of 2007. It was such a small class that we considered canceling it, but God instead had hand picked the perfect size to grow and learn and enjoy the VOICE students together!


Celia Anderson (Portland, Oregon)

VOICE Involvement: 2007 (TESOL); 2008 (V2); 2009-present (Team Leader, English Coordinator)

My mom suggested that I go to Taiwan to teach English when I was in high school. Years later I realized that going to Taiwan was exactly what God wanted me to do. I attended TESOL in 2007 and immediately fell in love with VOICE and what God is doing through it. I returned the next year to attend V2 and was really challenged by the leadership classes. A few weeks after V2 I went to Taiwan, where I taught English in elementary schools for two years. God taught me so much through those years and I loved my time there. Right now I’m pursuing an English bachelors degree. I can’t wait to graduate! 🙂 I love to read. I also enjoy playing ultimate frisbee, exploring other countries (especially Taiwan), hanging out with my family, watching good movies, discovering new foods, experiencing other cultures, trying to speak Chinese, and of course, being at VOICE. 🙂

Favorite VOICE Memory: I could tell too many stories about VOICE, but I will limit it to two. I always enjoy getting to know the girls on my team and doing crazy things with them. One time we all laid down and put our feet up on the wall to help us lose weight while we did Team Prayer. I always laugh when I remember that. I will never, ever forget when Wes played a joke on me at Northwoods and I ended up kissing a frog. It was gross, but it was hilarious too. Unfortunately it did NOT turn into a prince. One of the girls who saw it happen told me I needed to try a different frog… :/  No thanks!


Joel Feig (Marshfield, Wisconsin)

VOICE Involvement: 2011-2013 (Team Leader)

Growing up as the second oldest in a family with seven children, I have developed quite a love for sports and the outdoors. I have lived in Wisconsin for most of my life, so once it gets too cold for football, volleyball, soccer, and basketball, we bring out the skis, skates, and hockey sticks. I am very thankful for the influence of my family, especially my parents, as they have helped encourage me to develop my most important love, that for Jesus Christ. In 2004, I had the opportunity to spend a year teaching English in Taiwan through IBLP. That year turned into three years, and I am currently back in the US finishing my Masters in Elementary Education through Liberty University. I plan to graduate in the summer of 2012 and Lord willing, return to teaching English in Taiwan.

Favorite VOICE Memory: I really enjoyed the times spent talking with fellow VOICE staff and students about what the Lord was doing in each one’s personal life. It was very exciting to see faith growing in the lives of different people as they made God real in every aspect of life. Watching the Lord working and answering prayers is always such a great blessing.


Katie Pleckham (Herscher, Illinois)

VOICE Involvement: 2009 (TESOL); 2010-2013 (TESOL Coordinator, Photographer, English Teacher)

I’m from Chicago, Illinois. I began working for IBLP in 2006 at their headquarters in Oak Brook, Illinois, as their TESOL Certificate program coordinator. In 2009 I was able to experience VOICE firsthand when I attended TESOL. My involvement has continued on both the TESOL & VOICE ends in 2010 & 2011. When I’m not helping with VOICE or TESOL, I manage to stay quite busy working as a bank teller; managing a photography & design business; and being a big sister to two younger brothers. My interests include photography/design, missions, traveling, and cultural anthropology.

Favorite VOICE Memory: Do I have to limit it to one??! Here a couple that top the list in my mind. Shopping with Pearl & Zoe, at one of my favorite stores – Marshalls, where many laughs were exhanged. Another great memory was in 2011 the VOICE group cheering for Taiwan’s very own Chien-Ming Wang, who was pitching for the Washington Nationals against the Chicago Cubs. The excitement in our area of the stadium was quite amazing! So much so, that it caught the attention of the media!


Rachel Hung (Hong Kong, China)

VOICE Involvement: 2007-2009 (Team Leader, Discipleship Coordinator)

I was born in Kansas, grew up in California, and now live in Hong Kong. I came to HK with my family to work with IBLP HK, and serving in this ministry since 2007 has given me many great opportunities, VOICE being an important one of them! I am also working as associate youth director at a Mandarin church with an English youth ministry until Sept 2013. After that, I look forward to seeing how God leads, maybe to Mainland China. 🙂 Highlights of life include reading a great book, snacking on munchies, having a thoughtful conversation, finding a bargain, listening to a solid sermon, and admiring good accapella.

Favorite VOICE Memory: the Sunday service in the Tower at Northwoods in 2008, bonding and laughing during team prayers, getting to share the VOICE experience with my cousins, reading English assignments!


Rowan Gillson (Portland, Oregon)

VOICE Involvement: 2004-present (Logistics Coordinator, Northwoods Coordinator, Board Member)

I grew up in a Christian home as the oldest of 7 children. In 2009, I moved to Portland, OR where I married my best friend, Jocelyn. Together we run the Institute of Photographic Studies and World Changers Summit. In 2010, I was privileged to be a delegate to the Third Congress for World Evangelization in Cape Town, South Africa. I am also honored to have been a part of Pei Ji in Taiwan since 1999, and VOICE since 2004. I enjoy travel, discipleship, photography, and persuading people to live as though God is real.

Favorite VOICE Memory: There are so many… The launching of V2 stands out as one of my faves. Northwoods is also a favorite. I just love showing Chinese Urbanites the stars for the first time!