Today’s Highs and Lows

I play the mother role in our musical. There are quite a lot of lines to say. I feel a little pressure from it. But I’m much more concerned about the solo parts of the songs. Although I was a member of my high school’s chorus, my voice often cracks. Especially in the high singing range, like my solo parts. Maybe I’m not using the right part of my body to sing. Thus I’m afraid of not singing well. I hope I can do it better than today by practicing late. That was the low part of today.

The high part was Thanksgiving, I really liked the decoration, the food, and the atmosphere of Thanksgiving. And when we were sharing our thankful things, I was really grateful for what God had given to us.

Pearl Lin
Team 4

“Dinner at the Greenlaws” by Charlie Wang

6 thoughts on “Today’s Highs and Lows

  1. Faith in yourself.

    I’m sure you can do it!


    “And of his fulness have all we received, and grace for grace.” -John 1:16

  2. Faith in yourself.

    I’m sure you can do it!


    “And of his fulness have all we received, and grace for grace.” -John 1:16

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