VOICE is on YouTube!

We’ll be posting videos from the conference in our sidebar, but here’s the debut video clip of Luke Kallberg and Timothy Chen recreating their introductory performance of “Gonna Be Great” for this year’s musical “The Inheritance.” Stay tuned for more!


the VOICE 2010 prelude

“Breakfast is at 8am tomorrow morning,” were the only instructions given to me after arriving at the Oklahoma Training Center late last night. So after getting acquainted with my roommate, sleeping a little, waking up & spending time in the Word, what did I do? I went to breakfast! There I met my team mates and enjoyed a tasty meal. After breakfast, our TESOL class began! We were introduced to the TESOL/VOICE leaders and directors, as well as our instructor, Audra King. She taught us teaching basics, and shared some of her personal experiences from teaching in Taiwan.

After lunch, we had auditions for a musical put together by Timothy Chen. Despite the fact that several students claimed musical handicaps, Tim has a great way of bringing out each individuals talent. I am really looking forward to presenting the musical on the last night of this course. I’m also excited about learning new things from our teachers, and continuing to develop friendships with other TESOL/VOICE students and Staff.

Luke Christopherson
TESOL student

All day we have been awaiting the arrival of the VOICE students, and at 8:30 this evening they began to flood the lobby of the training center! It was so exciting to be able to see them and meet with them. I was able to speak with two young ladies for a short amount of time before all of the students went to their room to get settled in. I am very excited that I have the opportunity to meet these wonderful young men & women, and look forward to getting to know more about these students and their culture.

Lauryssa Milner
TESOL student
