The Joys of Servanthood

If anybody told me that one day I would be my grandfather’s “nurse”, I would first laugh at such an unlikely scenario, and then shudder at how horrible that would be.

My grandfather used to be a confident and capable man. He was an engineer who helped build the impossible during World War II in China and in the early days of Taiwan’s developing economy, a man who once he set his mind on something, woe to you if you tried to change it.

At first I hated it when my father forced me to be my grandfather’s roommate: he slept on the bottom of a bunk bed, I on the top. It was always too hot, and my grandfather would wake me up early in the morning to exercise with him.

As the years have taken a toll on his health, and my role has grown ever more demanding, to my surprise, my joy has been slowly growing. True, I have to wake up multiple times during the night to take my grandfather to the bathroom, I help change his diaper, I help feed him, but God has never made the task more than I can bear.

Jesus told us, “…He that is greatest among you shall be your servant” (Matthew 23:11). I am by no means an example of a perfect servant, but I thank God that because of my grandfather, I have become a much better one.

I will treasure this time with him for the rest of my life.

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About Tim Chen

Timothy (or Boba, as most people in VOICE know him) lives in Taipei and works in the IBLP Taiwan Office. He is also incredibly passionate about musicals, and how God can be glorified in the process of musical writing, practicing, and performing.

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