Your Last Breath

OK, I have a confession to make. I’m a hypochondriac – meaning, that I always think I’m getting sick, and I get worried easily the minute I get sick with something. This doesn’t come as a surprise for those who know me really well, but hey, it’s not easy to admit something like this.

My eyes have been opened up in some new ways, however, as mainly because over the last few months, I’ve been experiencing some consistent headaches. What made it even more upsetting was that after I went to the doctor for a simple consultation, he was very concerned about the headaches and wanted me to have some tests done – even mentioning the possibility of a brain tumor. Now, I know that would scare anyone, but for a hypochondriac like me, this freaked me out. Although I got some tests done, and everything appears to be normal (doctors still can’t explain why I’m having the headaches), God used the whole experience to pound into me the whole area of sacrifice and surrender.

I know many of us take our health for granted, but when the doctor initially shared with me some of that scary stuff, I had an extremely hard time not allowing my mind run wild about the whole concept of death. For a couple of weeks I really struggled with the fear of dying and leaving behind my wife and daughter. It was during that time that I was listening to a song that really convicted me. “All that we have; all that we are; all that we hope to be we give to You” said the song, and as I thought through those words I realized that although I’ve given my life to God, I never considered that that even means giving up my last breath to God if He sees fit to call me away from this world. Would you feel cheated if you found out that you were going to die tomorrow? Every part of my life should be an offering, and if my King will get more glory by ending it, I will gladly give up all that I “hope to be,” knowing that He knows exactly what He’s doing.